An ingrown toenail can be a painful thing, and it can really impact your day-to-day life. At Camberwell Podiatry Centre our podiatrists are experts at treating this uncomfortable, often-times painful condition. Our podiatrists will determine if you do have an ingrown toenail and treat the area.
An ingrown toenail can develop as a result of a sharp edge or spike of nail that grows into the surrounding flesh. They can be caused by a number of factors, including incorrect nail cutting techniques, ill-fitting footwear or an unavoidable hereditary disposition. An ingrown toenail can cause redness, swelling and pain in the affected area. An ingrown toenail can lead to infection if left untreated.
When an ingrown nail is treated early, treatment is usually fast and effective. Chronic sufferers may require ingrown toenail surgery.
Ingrown Toenail Surgery
Podiatrists are best trained to diagnose, treat and prevent ingrown toenails.
At Camberwell Podiatry Centre, we regularly perform nail surgery (also known as partial nail avulsion or nail wedge resection) to remove the spike. This is performed in our consulting rooms under local anesthetic. There’s no need to attend a costly day surgery!
A 4-step procedure is followed for ingrown toenail surgery:
- The affected toe is injected with a local anaesthetic
- The ingrown section of nail is cut out at the root
- Regrowth of the offending section of nail is prevented with chemical sterilisation of the nail bed
- The toe is cleaned and appropriately dressed with antiseptic to minimise post-operative infection
Post nail surgery you will need to keep your dressing dry for 2 days to wear open toed sandals or thongs. Following removal of this dressing you can get back into normal footwear and resume your daily activities.
Full healing of your toe usually takes approximately 6-8 weeks, however most patients find they can resume sporting activities after 2 weeks. Please check with your podiatrist about your individual requirements and any questions regarding recovery.
Some individuals are more prone to experience ingrown toenails due to the way their toenails grow. To prevent reoccurrences, we recommend regular nail care.