It is very important for people with certain health conditions to pay extra attention to the health of their feet. Diabetes is one such condition and it’s recommended that you check in with a podiatrist on a regular basis.
Diabetic Foot Care
Patients with diabetes are at greater risk of foot complications. It is important when first diagnosed with diabetes to have a thorough consultation with a podiatrist. The appointment will assess your current foot health and formulate a preventative care plan.
Our podiatrists will conduct a thorough assessment of your feet, involving:
- a test of your foot sensation (to determine if you still have protective sensation to detect injury)
- a test of your foot arteries and circulation using a Doppler (to determine blood flow and your level of risk)
- look for other potential risk factors or pressure points
Your podiatrist will formulate a diabetic foot care treatment plan based on your results and level of risk. Prevention of foot issues is imperative for people with diabetes, so we keep a close eye on any changes with your foot health. You can rest assured that our podiatrists will form an important part of your diabetes health care team.